Thursday, April 28, 2016

Traditional asthma medications

Traditional asthma medications was already there before the advent of modern medicine that contains chemicals, which may in the long term would be bad for health. In Indonesia alone traditional herbal ingredients are easy to find around us, for example, honey, ginger and many more.
Traditional asthma medications
Overview of the asthma, asthma is a disease of bad breath is generally divided into two types, namely:
1.   Extrinsic asthma
As the name suggests extrinsic meaning from the outside, in other words is a disease that comes from the human body, for example due to inhalation of dust, animal dander, fumes and all kinds of pollution around. Asthma sufferers of this type make could not do outdoor activities too often.
2.   Intrinsic asthma
Is a type of asthma that caused a lot of thought, stress, and can also be triggered by a viral infection.
Asthma can also be due to descent whose parents have a history of asthma, most likely the grandchildren will be affected by asthma as well. As I mentioned above because of the dirty environment can trigger asthma and cause disease. Although asthma is not contagious, it would be better prevented by maintaining a healthy environment. Traditional asthma medications do not contain chemicals that are fatal in the long term.
Some examples of traditional asthma medications that are proven effective.
1.   Ginger
traditional asthma medications
Apart from being one of the ingredients for herbal medicine, it can be used as a powerful asthma medication because it can relieve airway inflammation causes asthma. How to use it very easily is combine honey and ginger, a powerful combination of both will stop accruing slime and mucus there. To be more steady add turmeric powder ¼ or ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
2.   Fruit cermai
traditional asthma medications
Cermai Fruit
Cermai fruit is a fruit that tastes unique and has a remarkable efficacy as an asthma medication. How easy is 6 pieces cermai, two onions, ¼ handheld root kara, 8 grains of longan fruit, all pounded together, boiled in two cups of boiled water until the remaining ½ cup only, and drink.
Asthma is when the airway narrowing and inflammation. When being relapsed patients with asthma will cough, ringing breath and difficulty breathing. Although not classified as a disease of extreme, but it can also be dangerous. Asthma cannot be cured, although with natural herbal remedies and modern medicine's most potent asthma can be cured, but if exposed back with smoke, dust, stress, can lead to the recurrence of asthma.
And it helps us to avoid foods that contain MSG, preservatives and are advised to eat less ice, chocolate or nuts. Air-conditioned room temperature is also not good for people with asthma because of the cold as well as one of the triggers of asthma.

Consult your doctor on a regular basis, but it can also use herbal medicine that is around us, make the yard as a garden to plant traditional asthma medications.

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